Monday, July 6, 2015


I've been thinking a lot about this blog, and the changes that need to happen to make this blog become what I had hoped it would be. So here is a list of the goals I have and how I plan to achieve them. I know no one reads this blog (yet) but hopefully one day, readers will look back on its beginnings and see the passion I have for this type of writing and the desire to share my experiences with others.

First, this blog is to document my life with my amazing husband, and the adventures we take TOGETHER. This means I need to post milestones as well as the day to day. This also means I need to try and get my husband to give me some of his perspective. I like being well rounded ya know! 

Second, I want to use this platform to share my writing endeavors, personal challenges, desires and things that are of interest to me. If I had to classify the blog, it would probably fit into Lifestyle.

Third, and probably the most important of them all, I want this blog to be centered around my faith in Jesus Christ. It is so easy to get carried away in sharing what I am doing, what I am accomplishing and forgetting that it is only through Him that all these things are possible. I want this blog to glorify Christ and bring me closer to His image.

Many changes are heading this way, and I am excited to see where they lead!

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