Monday, February 10, 2014


The engineering building has become a second home of sorts. 

To Joseph it has been home since his start in grad school, for me it became home when I began to sit and wait for him. 

(Not a bad sitting and waiting, just in general, waiting for him to finish work so we could talk, or just sitting admiring him while he works)

I see the same faces on the first floor, a mix of doe eyed freshman engineers and math students going to their first tier classes, blissfully unaware of how difficult their life is about to become (and as the semesters go by the changes in the movements and expressions is almost comical, sometimes I feel bad for not warning them).

As I make my way up the stairs to the second, then third floor the atmosphere changes and the people I see I've become to know. Before, I would get weird looks, as if they thought I was lost, now most of them know who I am and why I'm here, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. 

Before I was this mysterious potential engineer, who was smart, and who didn't fit the typical mold of one who is on the third floor, and for some reason it gave me a little sense of joy being able to be mysterious for a little while. I had to entertain myself somehow being stuck in this building. 

Now that they know I'm just a significant other the looks stop and I've become a part of this little society. I know all of Joseph's lab mates, and can have a conversation with them apart from being the girl who comes to wait for Joseph. 

My favorite part is being able to show his lab mates what a supportive partner looks like when I bring him lunch, patiently wait for him without distracting his work (sometimes I fail at that, but hey he can't be business all the time), and even engage in a discussion I know nothing about in order to help him solve something about rendering a 3D object (the fact that I even remotely understand what that means enough to say just goes to show how much I'm here listening to him). So here I sit (literally, I typed this while sitting in the lab) waiting for our scheduled Monday Date Night to begin, while Joseph is trying to accomplish some computer thing I barely understand, and it feels like home.


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